1775-1958; bulk: 1860-1958

Guide to the Collection

Collection Summary


这些收藏品包括信件、军事文件、地图、 马萨诸塞州布鲁克林的霍勒斯·牛顿·费希尔的笔记和著作. pertaining to his experiences in 内战期间的肯塔基和田纳西,1862-1863.

Biographical Sketch

Horace Newton Fisher was born 19 Oct. 1836 in Brookline, Mass., to Francis and Lydia (Kittredge) Fisher. 他的父亲是波士顿费雪公司的商人 & Co., importers and commission merchants. 贺拉斯就读于波士顿拉丁学校,毕业时获得富兰克林奖章 Scholar in 1853. 他是哈佛大学1857届的一员,并获得了法律学位 from the Dane School of Law in 1859. After graduation, he and his brother John H. Fisher 1861年,他们走遍了欧洲,听到了萨姆特堡开火的消息. They 立即返回美国,贺拉斯在那里准备参战. He joined the Army of the Ohio on 14 Feb. 1862 at the rank of first lieutenant. He was soon promoted to captain, 担任地形工程师和亚历山大·麦克道尔将军的志愿副官 作为第20军团中校军衔的监察长, Department of the Cumberland. 由于在战争中受伤,他成了残疾人 奇卡莫加战役,并于同年11月被迫辞职. 1863.

战争结束后,贺拉斯游历了南美洲,并于1865年与基亚梅切结婚 Cecilia Mason (1848-1917) of Charleston, S.C., the daughter of Dr. William and Sarah (Bradley) Mason. The couple had four children: Francis Mason, Mary L., Sarah G., and Horace Cecil. Fisher 成为波士顿的商人,并担任智利领事. He was active in the Loyal Legion 还记录了夏伊洛和奇卡莫加战役中的军事战略. Horace died in 1916年被安葬在马萨诸塞州剑桥市的奥本山公墓.


Fisher, Horace Cecil. A Staff Officer's Story: The Personal 霍勒斯·牛顿·费雪上校在内战中的经历. Boston: [s.n.], 1960.

Fisher, Philip A. The Fisher Genealogy: Record of the 约书亚的后代,安东尼和科尼利厄斯费舍尔,戴德姆,马萨诸塞州., 1636-1640. Everett, Mass.: Massachusetts Publishing Company, 1898.

Collection Description

这个收藏品包括通信、军事文件、地图、笔记和作者的著作 Horace Newton Fisher of Brookline, Mass. og体育平台他在肯塔基州和田纳西州的经历 during the Civil War, 1862-1863. 藏品还包括寄信的手稿副本 by George Washington, Horatio Gates, and Robert H. Harrison to Artemas Ward, 1775-1776, copied by Horace N. Fisher; letters and manuscript copies of documents related to Fisher's research and documentation of his Civil War experiences, 1870-1907; and chapters prepared by his son, Horace Cecil Fisher, for a book about his father entitled A Staff Officer's 故事:霍勒斯·牛顿·费雪在内战中的个人经历, published in 1960.

Letters from Fisher to his parents in Jan. 1862 detail his journey from Boston to Washington and Louisville, Ky. in an attempt to obtain an Army commission. On the advice of his father's 他的朋友,路易斯维尔的约翰·沃德,费舍尔追求有影响力的前战争部长约瑟夫 Holt to St. 路易斯请求他帮忙介绍他认识亨利。W. Halleck. Letters from 25-27 Jan. 1862包含了对哈勒克总部的描述和对 Fisher's unsatisfactory interview with him. Returning to Louisville, Fisher describes contacts 他被派往亚历山大·麦克道尔·麦库克将军的志愿助手. Major 费雪在给家人的信中提到了匹兹堡登陆战役 和夏伊洛,并附有该地区的草图和地图. Papers and letters from Oct.-Dec. 1862年报道了科林斯围城战,佩里维尔和查普林山战役,占领 Nashville, and the Stone River campaign.

这本书还收录了麦库克将军和罗斯科兰斯将军的引文,收件人是 Governor Andrew Johnson, 15 Apr. 1863年,他推荐费希尔为中尉 colonel. 进一步的通信包括对Tullahoma战役的描述 自由峡,埃尔克河的渡口,占领田纳西州温彻斯特. (with a lively 描述了他与南方邦联同情者的og体育官网),以及奇卡莫加战役. 其中包括许多与西方主要军事人物的个人遭遇的轶事 armies, with whom Fisher was in close association.

有关费雪作为监察长职责的官方文件包括与 部队视察,处理掉队和抢劫的程序,以及全面的视察 report for the month of Sep. 1863. 他的兄弟约翰写的信,他取代了贺拉斯 麦库克将军的志愿助手,补充他对军事事件和活动的描述 在1863年夏秋两季的田纳西战役中.

后来的论文包括费舍尔的研究、回忆和对他的战争经历的观察, 军事行动的记录、地图、参考资料和与行动和战略有关的笔记 在夏伊洛和奇卡莫加战役中,他在忠诚军团的活动,以及通信 with former Army associates.

Acquisition Information

Gift of William Mason Austin, May 1976.

Box List to the Collection

Box 1
Letters & notes, 1775-1863
Box 2
Letters, notes, & writings, 1863-1958
Box 3
Notes and writings on Civil War battles
Box 4
Newspaper clippings on Civil War Battles
Box OS
Oversize material

Preferred Citation

Horace N. Fisher papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

这个og体育官网在下列标题下进行索引 ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 研究人员需要有关相关人员的资料; 组织或主题应该使用这些标题搜索目录.


Fisher, Horace Cecil.
Gates, Horatio, 1728-1806.
Harrison, Robert Hanson, 1745-1790.
Ward, Artemas, 1727-1800.
Washington, George, 1732-1799.


United States. Army. Department of the Ohio.
United States. Army of the Cumberland.


Chickamauga, Battle of, Ga., 1863.
Family history--1850-1899.
Georgia--History--Civil War, 1861-1865.
Kentucky--History--Civil War, 1861-1865.
Literary manuscripts.
Maps, Manuscript.
Shiloh, Battle of, Tenn., 1862.
Stones River, Battle of, Murfreesboro, Tenn., 1862-1863.
Tennessee--History--Civil War, 1861-1865.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Campaigns.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Maps, Manuscript.
美国——历史——内战,1861-1865——个人 narratives.
美国——历史——内战,1861-1865——团 histories--Army of the Cumberland.
美国——历史——内战,1861-1865——团 histories--Dept. of the Ohio.
美国——历史——革命,1775-1783——个人 narratives.

Materials Removed from the Collection

一绺身份不明的头发被移到了国安局的文物收藏中并被单独分类 (Hair 03.068 East Stacks Row 4).